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[2009-01-17 20:00:59] <mansuetus> First message in english shoutbox !
[2009-01-20 15:41:27] <Ghost> Hi guys !
[2009-01-22 22:04:51] <Ghost> Par contre, c'est plus facile d'en créer désormais, si l'envie t'en prend.
[2009-01-22 22:08:47] <Ghost> arf j'ai la shoutbox fr et l'histo en, j'aurais pas du aller voir les trads…
[2009-01-22 22:16:06] <mansuetus> Alcoofolies: you should have tried to “update” the page :-)
[2009-01-23 20:31:45] <mansuetus> Hey, readers, you can post in here !
[2009-01-24 15:21:19] <mansuetus> Hey, readers ? do you read ?!
[2009-01-24 16:35:51] <mansuetus> If anyone is here, he may post :-)
[2009-01-24 18:55:02] <Ghost> Hi mans ! What's up ?
[2009-01-24 20:28:42] <mansuetus> Alcoofolies: do you really want to know ?
[2009-01-24 21:34:13] <Ghost> mansuetus: So, shut up !
[2009-01-25 00:43:19] <Junk> Whaddup dawg?
[2009-01-25 04:22:36] <Gub> The english shoutbox : We can !
[2009-01-25 14:24:15] <Junk> Gmail down
[2009-01-25 14:24:16] <Junk> !
[2009-01-25 14:31:22] <Ghost> gmail works perfectlly here…
[2009-01-28 20:49:18] <mansuetus> http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
[2009-01-29 22:38:33] <Junk> Wee hee! Validated another translation!
[2009-01-30 19:22:58] <Junk> Hello Cleveland!
[2009-02-03 00:41:09] <mansuetus> Junk: good job !
[2009-02-08 17:50:47] <mansuetus> Google gadget LSV in english “in the backs”
[2009-02-09 22:37:41] <Link3r> juste un truc
[2009-02-09 22:38:00] <Link3r> ça la fout mal de traduire un site en anglais si c'est pour faire des fautes.
[2009-02-09 22:38:04] <Link3r> http://www.spontex.org/participer/lsv/valider_une_langue/322/
[2009-02-09 22:38:25] <Link3r> “there is not comment”. COME ON!
[2009-02-09 22:53:21] <mansuetus> Link3r: merci, corrigé :-) (j'ai mis 4 secondes à voir la faute, je lisais “no comment”)
[2009-02-09 22:53:52] <mansuetus> If you speak good english, feel free to help :-)
[2009-02-10 21:26:24] <Link3r> I do. I might Help. I've actually started traducing some stuff.
[2009-02-10 21:31:07] <Link3r> ah autre chose, il me semble plus approprié de dire carrément “there aren't any comments yet” plutôt que l'angliche un peu approximatif “There is no comment yet”
[2009-02-10 22:12:58] <Junk> link3r : translating, not 'traducing'. Ca la fot mal de traduire un site en anglais si c'est pour faire des fautes, comme tu dis.
[2009-02-12 22:57:45] <mansuetus> owned ?
[2009-02-15 11:06:18] <mansuetus> Comme tu dis : “quite” :-)
[2009-02-15 11:25:18] <mansuetus> argh : wrong shoutbox :-)
[2009-02-23 22:35:41] <Aikanaro> bon j'vais m'coucher
[2009-02-24 18:16:42] <Aikanaro> tssss, ca le fait pas, quand je reviens après une journée de travail le dernier message c'est moi qui dit bonne nuit
[2009-02-24 18:17:07] <Aikanaro> ah merde je suis sur la shoutbox en anglais >_<
[2009-02-28 19:19:44] <mansuetus> ^^
[2009-02-28 19:20:15] <mansuetus> Not many people come here, so it's weird ^^
[2009-03-02 11:19:31] <Junk> WHO validated all those horrendous translations?
[2009-03-02 21:59:56] <mansuetus> Junk: I did :-)
[2009-04-13 17:51:52] <mansuetus> Dear tourist : if you read that, please say something… such as “hello” :-)
[2009-04-13 17:59:35] <mansuetus> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMP8OSWGcss
[2009-04-13 18:02:37] <mansuetus> they “just” forgot DN3D, and starcraft !!!!
[2009-04-13 18:02:57] <mansuetus> I did not quite see q3 either !
[2009-04-13 18:03:07] <mansuetus> l4m3rs ^^
[2009-04-14 21:22:09] <racou> In the english shoutbox, there are just Mans, Junk, Aika ans Link3r but they sprek french else what is utility of this shoutbox ??
[2009-04-14 21:38:52] <racou> au passage dans la version anglaise de spontex vous avez oublier de traduire ” A propos ” ^^
[2009-04-14 22:41:13] <racou> et aussi je viens de constater que la page news est totalement en français
[2009-04-14 23:36:23] <mansuetus> racou: Yes, I know :-)
[2009-04-14 23:37:33] <racou> mansuetus: a ok ^^ it was just an observation ^^
[2009-05-07 01:01:32] <mansuetus> racou: No problem, bro' :-)
[2009-05-10 21:14:58] <Junk> mwahah “bro”
[2009-05-28 23:45:12] <camtuf> very useful shoutbox, indeed ^^
[2009-06-09 21:20:45] <mansuetus> mansuetus: /me a codé, tu peux te reposer :-)
[2009-06-09 21:20:55] <mansuetus> Alcoofolies: gros malin ^^
[2009-06-10 14:07:06] <camtuf> Why posting here if en French? ;-D
[2009-06-13 18:26:38] <mansuetus> camtuf: it's kind of a bug, when you login, strange things might happe
[2009-06-13 18:26:40] <mansuetus> n
[2009-07-08 22:50:29] <Clin> C'est pas la même shoutbox ici en anglais ? Alors il faut des yeux de caméléon pour lire en stéréo ?
[2009-07-08 22:53:36] <Clin> Woohoo. I piss over england but i love winston churchill.
[2009-07-08 22:53:54] <Clin> I am totally fluent in english.
[2009-07-08 22:54:39] <Clin> I can make french jokes on english people translated in italian ? Non, on s'en tape.
[2009-07-08 22:54:51] <Clin> ah ok.
[2009-07-08 23:00:02] <Clin> I guess some people are posting here in english to increase statistics of englis users.
[2009-07-08 23:18:29] <Clin> Somehow.
[2009-07-08 23:18:35] <Clin> Indeed.
[2009-07-08 23:44:12] <Clin> Time to have dinner. Bye all.
[2009-07-10 00:13:22] <Clin> If you read this, you might are on the wrong shoutbox.
[2009-07-17 20:30:11] <mansuetus> colin: no, if you can read this, it means you're in the english one.
[2009-08-19 21:29:25] <Ghost> Ca queute pas quand on est sur les deux SB ?
[2009-08-20 01:14:18] <mansuetus> Now, you can be on them both, with no problem (at all)
[2009-08-20 01:16:42] <mansuetus> (well… I hope so…)
[2009-08-20 01:16:57] <mansuetus> But it seems to work quit well :-)
[2009-08-21 19:41:26] <Ghost> Miy last message was posted before your last commit.
[2009-09-21 22:32:38] <Clin> It seems to be a very helpfull/used shootbox.
[2009-09-21 22:32:40] <Clin> Indeed
[2009-10-21 22:47:11] <Clin> it means you’re in the english one. Exactly what i meant : wrong shoutbox !
[2009-11-10 14:14:19] <mansuetus> —SI VOUS PARLEZ FRANCAIS, PASSEZ SUR LE SITE EN FRANCAIS en cliquant sur le drapeau—
[2009-11-15 18:38:02] <Ghost> Caramba ! I'm on the wrong shoutbox !
[2009-11-29 16:17:49] <racou> mansuetus : yourself !
[2010-01-20 21:49:50] <nandzor> Looks like its bothering you walk in the mud !
[2010-01-21 10:31:48] <Lotharius> yeah right
[2010-01-21 22:43:41] <racou> OMFG activity in this shoutbox !
[2010-01-26 17:59:06] <kange> Kange was here – Tuesday 26th, 2010
[2010-02-02 21:02:33] <racou> Racou was here – Tuesday 2nd, 2010
[2010-04-26 15:46:09] <Lotharius> it's very clever to use the British way of writing a date, with the superscript for the numeral and all.
[2010-04-26 15:46:34] <Lotharius> But if I may give you a tip for next time, don't forget to mention the month of the year.
[2010-04-26 16:27:01] <Lotharius> quelqu'un a changé ce LSV en anglais récemment ? http://www.spontex.org/le_saviez_vous/30/
[2010-05-05 04:22:45] <Junk> Junk in
[2010-05-05 04:22:48] <Junk> http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1751
[2010-05-05 04:23:08] <Junk> Junk out. Keep it foolish! Total Fucking Mexico !
[2010-05-05 17:44:08] <Gub> Lotharius: I did
[2010-05-07 23:51:31] <racou> Lotharius: yes thank you i completly forgot
[2010-06-21 11:59:48] <Aikanaro> it's a great idea
[2010-06-21 12:00:28] <Aikanaro> but I'm a little bit lonely here…
[2010-06-21 12:08:15] <Mako> Hi again
[2010-06-21 12:08:32] <Mako> you're not alone anymore
[2010-06-21 12:08:34] <Aikanaro> no english PL ! And the message is not translated !
[2010-06-21 12:10:38] <Aikanaro> I won't risk myself to say funny things in english :p
[2010-06-21 12:11:26] <Mako> maybe you will, without being aware of it…
[2010-06-21 12:12:59] <Minizyl> i have an advice
[2010-06-21 12:13:03] <Aikanaro> “beware la mouche, beware”<—I'm ashamed to say that>_<
[2010-06-21 12:13:34] <Aikanaro> ?
[2010-06-21 12:14:23] <Minizyl> you just tried to express something in a nice way but you translated it from french
[2010-06-21 12:14:54] <Minizyl> and it was not the way one would express the same feeling in english
[2010-06-21 12:15:32] <Minizyl> the easiest way not to make mistakes is to use simple sentences
[2010-06-21 12:15:48] <Mako> who are you talking to ?
[2010-06-21 12:16:27] <Minizyl> Aikanaro he is the one that needs advices today
[2010-06-21 12:17:59] <Minizyl> “I won’t risk myself” >> i won't try
[2010-06-21 12:18:19] <Aikanaro> I will do it in my test, but I don't really need help to make simple sentences, so here I try some things :p
[2010-06-21 12:19:39] <Aikanaro> to have a very good mark I need to make some very english sentences
[2010-06-21 12:20:02] <Aikanaro> not all, but some
[2010-06-21 12:20:27] <Mako> don't think so
[2010-06-21 12:20:50] <Minizyl> i agree
[2010-06-21 12:21:21] <Mako> you'll just have to show that you've understand the questions, and try to avoid mistakes as mush as you can
[2010-06-21 12:21:26] <Be@> and it's late to think about it, no ?
[2010-06-21 12:21:32] <Minizyl> and very english sentences are very likely to be short and simple
[2010-06-21 12:22:31] <Aikanaro> BA—> what are you talking about ?
[2010-06-21 12:23:14] <Be@> thinking to make very english sentences
[2010-06-21 12:23:33] <Be@> To do this, you have to be trained more than 2 hours
[2010-06-21 12:24:05] <Minizyl> thinking about making very english sentences
[2010-06-21 12:24:24] <Minizyl> you have to train more than 2 hours
[2010-06-21 12:24:33] <Minizyl> (sorry b
[2010-06-21 12:24:39] <Minizyl> BA)
[2010-06-21 12:25:03] <Mako> Minizyl: if you want to correct all our mistakes, you'll have a lot of work to do…
[2010-06-21 12:25:10] <Mako> focus on Aika ;)
[2010-06-21 12:25:14] <Aikanaro> I train since I take english lessons
[2010-06-21 12:25:39] <Be@> Thanks Minizyl ;) using correct tense is very difficult for me…
[2010-06-21 12:25:50] <Minizyl> but he is doing pretty good
[2010-06-21 12:26:12] <Be@> so I have to leave, I have a meeting now
[2010-06-21 12:26:17] <Be@> see you later
[2010-06-21 12:26:18] <Aikanaro> or maybe not, in “cm2” I certainly didn't try to make very english sentences
[2010-06-21 12:27:15] <Minizyl> Aikanaro since is very difficult to use
[2010-06-21 12:27:30] <Aikanaro> anyway, the level asked for the bac is not very high

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