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Information on this website is public but you have to be logged-in to share. Login, means "give a username and a password". Then, you'll be able to fill some more but nothing is mandatory. If you can read this, it means you clicked on something restricted to logged-in. NOBODY DIED registring here. If you wish not to register, feel free, but don't click on that link again :-)

Please share those informations... but do not forget to add a link to spontex!
you should never read that.

Genre "ça sert à rien"

Avatar of mansuetus
mansuetus - July 22, 2009 - 00:48:29

mansuetus@killian /home/spontex % ssh spontex.org
Password: Junk4unep3tlT3biT3
Last login: Mon Jul 20 19:43:48 CEST 2009 from spontex64.spontex.org on pts/0
mansuetus@ks355377 ~ % svn update
'.' omis
mansuetus@ks355377 ~ % svn update ../spontex 
U    ../spontex/templates/forum/list_theads.html
Actualisé à la révision 665.
mansuetus@ks355377 ~ % svn update ../spontex
U    ../spontex/templates/tests/list_tests.html
Actualisé à la révision 666.
mansuetus@ks355377 ~ % 
Connection to spontex.org closed.

ça sert à rien, mais ça fait plaisir (le 666)

Avatar of Ghost
Ghost - July 22, 2009 - 00:59:24

Moralité: Si le serveur s'écroule, c'est pas nous, c'est la Bête !

Avatar of Gub
Gub - July 22, 2009 - 01:18:03

Dommage, ca aurait pu etre la bete a deux dos…

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