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Alice in PapuaLand
By swp3 on 2012-07-21 13:51:09   

Baruya people venerate sperm, so much that women have as much intercourse (marital or extramarital) as possible when they're pregnant, in order to give birth to a strong baby.

Details :

This people from Papua New Guinea (Oceania) believes that « Penis Water » provides them with strength and living energy.
French anthropologist Maurice Godelier says they are the world's most phallocratic society.

According to Godelier's reference study, Baruyas thinks that breast milk comes from sperm. As a consequence, oral sex is highly encouraged. On the other hand, menstrual blood is seen as being very negative, which leads women to be pulled aside when they are having their periods.

Etoros, another Papuan people close to Baruyas, also consider male semen to be very important. They feed their children with sperm during their whole childhood. Then when young males want to become men, they are expected to undergo various religious rituals, including homosexual practices with their elders.

Sources :

Wikipedia.org – Baruyas [fr]
Wikipedia.org – Etoro [fr]
Wikipedia.org – Sperme [fr]

curiousman - 2013-07-19 03:39:40

Uhuh i wanna try

Eliwizard321 - 2014-01-26 19:08:59

That is so weird but still cool