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Nobel is no cuckold
By Kicker on 2009-02-27 20:15:06   

The famous anecdote that explains the absence of a Nobel prize in mathematics by the fact that Alfred Nobel's wife cheated on him with some mathematician is false!

Details :

For one, Nobel was never married. He is often described as solitary, and his biography makes no reference to a heartache that could have led him to hate mathematicians or mathematics.
In his will, Nobel writes that his inheritance should be used to reward “those who have conferred benefits on mankind”, and names the following domains:
– Physics
– Chemistry
– Physiology or Medecine
– Literature
– Peace
Even if three of them are scientific domains, there is no reason why mathematics should absolutely be on that list. At least, no better reason than for astronomy, economics, or any other domain that you wish to see rewarded…

Sources :

Mathforum – No Nobel Price in Mathematics
Snopes – The Prize's Rite