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Information on this website is public but you have to be logged-in to share. Login, means "give a username and a password". Then, you'll be able to fill some more but nothing is mandatory. If you can read this, it means you clicked on something restricted to logged-in. NOBODY DIED registring here. If you wish not to register, feel free, but don't click on that link again :-)

Please share those informations... but do not forget to add a link to spontex!
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Comments deleted by moderators

Usually, these comments are from the worse kind we get. We live quite well without them! In our quest for transparency, we think that exposing them here should help some guys to refrain from posting new ones. Note that no rule is to forbid moderators to pin here some others' moderator comment.

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# - <benthebeast> - Feb. 10, 2012 - 16:43

how would you know? lol

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