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Egg head

The greek playwright Aeschylus was killed by a tortoise, dropped on his head by an eagle.

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Absent of indicative

Le Train de Nulle Part (The Train from Nowhere) is a French novel written without a single verb by Michel Dansel in 2004.

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Disaster avoided?

Orson Welles asked Walt Disney to make an adaptation of “The Little Prince” with him. Walt Disney refused.

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Looking for lost period

A volume of the book A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (Looking for Lost Time) by Marcel Proust contains one of the longest sentence in French literature: 856 words.

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Writing the Faust tragedy took 59 years to Goethe.

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Lee's Miserables

During the American Civil War, the general Lee's Southern troops called themselves “Lee's Miserables”, as a tribute to Victor Hugo's book, Les Misérables.

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Titles on the spines of books are oriented differently whether the print is French or English.

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Bond, James Bond

James Bond really existed !

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Harry PotTREE

For the american edition of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, 217 475 trees were cut.

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Very very small

The world's smallest book is “Teeny Ted From Turnip Town”, and measures 0.1mm by 0.07mm.

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