Please share those informations... but do not forget to add a link to spontex!
By lynx on 2008-12-01 02:00:00   

Bolivian government changed 188 times in 167 years.

Details :

During this time, Junk would have changed 7 times his pants. . . .

Sources :

Photobiker – First day in Bolivia

spontexdawg - 2012-03-11 02:28:14

During this time, Junk would have changed 7 times his pants… What does this mean? Ellipses have a space between them, e.g . . .

Beri - 2012-03-12 09:53:01

The Modern Language Association (MLA), however, used to indicate that an ellipsis must include spaces before and after each dot in all uses.

Indeed. It is not the case in French and it is not commonly known resp. learnt at school. Thanks again.

What does this mean?

Junk is a member of the moderation team, it is just an inside joke.