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Friends of apes
By mansuetus on 2008-12-01 02:00:00   

In Spain, apes have been granted rights similar to humans since June 2008.

Details :

On the 25th of June 2008, Spain's parliament's environmental committee have approved the Great Apes Project (GAP). This project guarantees apes a series of basic rights such as the protection of individual liberty and the prohibition of torture.

Sources :

GreatApeProject.org – GAP project
Wikipedia – Great Ape Project

Minizyl - 2011-04-14 11:45:42

Great apes, and primates in general are very similar to humans, biologically (genetically) as well as in their way of life.
Their social organization and emotional behavior, the fact that they possess self-consciousness and understand the notion of time (past, present ans future), exactly as we do, and far from what dogs do, made scientists think that they deserved rights equal to men.