Please share those informations... but do not forget to add a link to spontex!
By Junk on 2008-12-01 02:00:00   

Each year, worldwide, more people die from firearms than from drowning.

Details :

Out of 100,000 deaths, firearms are responsible for 4.47 and drowning for 3.5. Fortunately, in France, deaths from firearms are half as common as deaths from drowning.

Sources :

Urgence pratique – Noyades en France
INVS – Surveillance épidémiologique des noyades
INSERM – Décès par armes à feu

spontexdawg - 2012-03-06 08:12:27

How in the Hell can there be 4.47 or 3.5 deaths? Of course there are more deaths from shootings than drownings. Killing someone by drowning them is difficult while shooting them is easy. Why point out the obvious unless there is an agenda in the pointing it out?

Minizyl - 2012-03-06 12:44:26

You are assuming that the figures are only representing “killings” while saying that killing someone by drowning is more difficult, but most drownings are natural deaths, which is exactly why one could think that the number of drownings should be higher that the number of deaths by firearms (and this is why this DYK is surprising).