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Information on this website is public but you have to be logged-in to share. Login, means "give a username and a password". Then, you'll be able to fill some more but nothing is mandatory. If you can read this, it means you clicked on something restricted to logged-in. NOBODY DIED registring here. If you wish not to register, feel free, but don't click on that link again :-)

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you should never read that.
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Ticket closed
Developer in charge:

English, please!

I understand that this is originally a French app, but since it's branching out and is becoming more and more accessible to the English public, it would make sense to translate at least some of the more important messages to English. I'm not asking for everything to be English-friendly. But I can guarantee that you'd have more accounts being created if the confirmation email you send to new accounts was in English. I only knew which link to press to confirm receipt by intuition.
Please help us, ignorant Americans, and other English-speakers!
An American.

# (0) Beri - July 17, 2013 - 09:42

Who volunteers for this task ?


# (0) mansuetus - July 23, 2013 - 22:07

The little galère it's been…
(et je vous fais grace de la complainte du mec qui a en plus passé 40 minutes à se demander pourquoi ça passait pas en anglais alors que c'était juste pas traduit… après avoir corrigé le “bug”)


# (0) mansuetus - July 26, 2013 - 12:17

Voir la traduction des autres mails aussi.


# (0) lauvergnat - Aug. 16, 2013 - 17:48

Moi je veux bien, si tu m'envoies les templates des mails


# (0) mansuetus - Aug. 21, 2013 - 13:56

Je vais déjà m'assurer que le traducteur est en place, je te tiens au courant.

EDIT: effectivement, c'est bon. Il reste plus qu'à traduire (mais c'est relou !)


# (0) mansuetus - Aug. 22, 2013 - 14:54

J'ai fermé ce bug sans faire le lien vers la traduction (qui est plus un fil rouge qu'un réel bug) :


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